Health & Safety

Our Health & Safety Workshops are workshops are specifically tailored for attendees who operate within the construction and FM industries and usually enjoy the following roles::
Site Managers
Contract Managers
Project Managers
Operation Managers
Senior Operatives
Company Directors & Senior Management
Your Delegates:
Typically, our workshops have between 4 and 12 attendees although historically we have catered for as many as 20 and even effected one-to-one workshops.
We prefer that all attendees are from one company or organisation in order that we can customise our presentation to specific site or contract references and encourage interactivity with your delegates. However, we can "mix and match" if required.
We would be delighted to host the event at our Kings Court base in Stevenage or, if you have suitable facilities available, we can present at your premises. Kings Court is approx 10 minutes walk from Stevenage main line station and limited car parking will be made available on the day.
Most of our Workshops are half a day commencing at 0915 and normally completing by 1300. Delegates are greeted on arrival with beverages and a mid morning break is also taken at a convenient point when tea and coffee will also be provided.
Experience has shown that half day sessions are preferred by delegates as there is a fair amount of information to digest and discuss.
As indicated, we prefer to tailor the content specifically to the delegates company. With many of our regular clients, we often effect H&S Site Audits and Assessments which makes this tasking that much easier as we are familiar with their projects. However, this is far from essential, all our workshops can enjoy the following content:
Health & Safety Individual Responsibilities
Applicable legislations & regulations such as: Health & Safety at Works Act 1974, Management of Health & Safety Regulation 1999, Construction and Design Management 2015, PUWER 1998, LOLER 1998 and your responsibilities to ensure compliance.
Commitment to Excellence in Health & Safety and the positive impact this has on your organisation.
Health & Safety Cultures: the thrree main cultures and the importance of establishing and maintaining a "Just" H&S Culture throughout.
Essential Site Documentation: Construction Phase Plans, Risk Assessments, Method Statements, Lifting Plans, Signing in for operatives, Fire Plans etc
Delivery: communication of essential H&S information to all operatives. Toolbox talks, site inductions,
Training: recommended training options and courses for operatives and management
Subcontractors: the importance of rerceiving strategic information from subbies prior to them commencing work and the consequences if this is not provided. Management, appointment and evaluation of subcontractors.
HSE: resources available and and examples of fines imposed to contractors
HSE Summary Accident Statistics for 2024
Core Risks in any project and discussion of risks in specific projects
Risk Mitigation
The importance of audit trails
Fire Safety
IT innovations - available resources and examples to improve efficiencies and reduce hard copy paperwork to virtually zero.
Health & Safety ROI
The Importance of Committing to Constant Improvement
Q & A's
Workshop Enquiry Form
If you would like an initial budget estimate or require further information in respect of our Workshops, please complete the followeing form and it will be our pleasure to respond within one working day.